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Verified by Psychology Today

Jennifer Fraser Ph.D.


Drawn into a bullying crisis at a school where she was teaching, Jennifer Fraser, Ph.D., came face to face with the broken system that claims zero tolerance for bullying while enabling it every step of the way. She realized how society is constructed on a bullying and abuse framework that has led to rampant youth mental illness. She believes we can do better for our children and youth.

With a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Toronto, Jennifer is well-trained in replacing belief with research. Her goal is to help others recognize the bullying and abuse paradigm and replace it with a new “neuroparadigm.” Jennifer's extensive study of what psychologists, doctors, psychiatrists, and neuroscientists know about brain health has galvanized her to put this information into the hands of all who need it. Parents, teachers, and coaches benefit from knowing up-to-date data about how to keep brains healthy, safe, and high performing. Renowned neuroscientist Dr. Michael Merzenich says The Bullied Brain: Heal Your Scars and Restore Your Health is “scientifically the most thorough treatment of the subject on planet earth.” Jennifer's overarching goal is to discuss the harm done to brains by all forms of bullying and abuse in order to motivate individuals to repair and heal. We can all harness evidence-based practices to recover organic brain health even if we’ve suffered bullying and abuse.

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