Give Yourself a Break
Research shows how short breaks can improve your health and job performance.
Posted October 27, 2023 Reviewed by Ray Parker
Key points
- Research shows taking short breaks can reduce our fatigue, renew our energy, and improve our performance
- Short 10-minute breaks can make a significant difference in our health and overall effectiveness.
- Taking breaks can even help us make better decisions
As a positive psychology coach, I see too many people today feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, trying to cram “just one more thing” into an already busy schedule. Relentlessly pushing themselves, multitasking, and eating lunch at their desks while answering emails, they treat themselves like machines, not human beings.
However, research has shown that pushing ourselves not only exhausts us. It also impairs our performance, reducing the quality of our work.
A recent meta-analysis by psychologist Patricia Albulescu, Ph.D., and colleagues (2022) showed that short breaks can reduce fatigue, increase energy, and improve overall performance. They found that short 10-minute breaks can make a significant difference in our health and overall effectiveness.
Research at the HeartMath Institute (2005, 2016) has shown that taking short breaks to practice heart-focused breathing—breathing slowly and mindfully into our hearts—can help us access our higher intelligence, improving our focus, creativity, intuition, and higher-level decision-making.
Psychologists Stephen Kaplan, Ph.D., and Marc Berman, Ph.D., (2010) have found that taking breaks to connect with nature can relieve stress, fatigue, and frustration, renewing our vitality and attention. Just taking a short walk in a park has been shown to have restorative effects on attention and working memory (Berman, Jonides, & Kaplan, 2008).
Taking breaks helps us access our intuitive wisdom to make better decisions. Psychologists Ap Dijksterhuis and Loren Nordgren (2006) found that we can make wiser choices with complex decisions when we review the alternatives, then take a break and let our unconscious minds process the information to reveal the best decision.
Albert Einstein followed this practice. After working in his lab on a physics problem, he’d go sailing. New insights, new solutions, would come to him. He began carrying a small notebook and pencil in his pocket to record these inspirations.
So, instead of trying to work nonstop and treating ourselves like machines, we can improve the quality of our lives and our work by taking regular breaks for rest and renewal.
This post is for informational purposes and should not substitute for psychotherapy with a qualified professional.
© 2023 Diane Dreher, All Rights Reserved.
Albulescu, P., Macsinga, I., Rusu, A., Sulea, C., Bodnaru, A., & Tulbure, B.T. (2022). “Give me a break!”: A systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of micro-breaks for increasing well-being and performance. PLos ONE 17 (8): e0272460.
Berman, M.G., Jonides, J., & Kaplan, S. (2008). The cognitive benefits of interacting with nature. Psychological Science, 19 (12), 1207-1212.
Childre, D., Martin, H., Rozman, D., & McCraty, R. (2016). Heart intelligence. Waterfront Press.
Childre, D., & Rozman, D. (2005). Transforming stress. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, Inc.
CIPHR Connect. (2021, 21 August) Photo of overworked woman. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic. Wikimedia commons
Dijksterhuis, A., & Nordgren, L. (2006). A theory of unconscious thought. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 1, 95-109.
Kaplan, S. (1995). The restorative benefits of nature: Toward an integrated framework. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 15, 169-182.
Kaplan, S. & Berman, M. G. (2010). Directed attention as a common resource for executive function and self-regulation. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5, 43-57.