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Why Doesn’t It Taste as Good as I Thought It Would?

Why Doesn’t It Taste as Good as I Thought It Would?

Lisa, who had had an absolute rule (which she occasionally broke big time) against eating junk food, had recently started allowing herself to have a moderate portion of a favorite food every day. Some of the food she enjoyed immensely, in fact, more than before, because she was able to eat it guilt free. But sometimes the food, for example, certain kinds of candy, just did not taste as good as she had remembered. We discussed the possibility that because she had denied herself these foods for so long, she had built up a fantasy about how delicious they were. When she finally ate them, she judged that they were good, but not great. Then there were other foods which she really liked, such as cookies, but she realized that she only liked them if she could eat and eat and eat them. It wasn’t satisfying to just have a moderate portion. Lisa is now learning how to eat any food in moderation and she’s discovering which foods she really enjoys and which just aren’t worth it.

More from Judith Beck, Ph.D.
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