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Artificial Intelligence

How Is AI Changing Our Ideas About Beauty?

The future holds exciting possibilities and potential hazards.

Key points

  • The rise in artificial intelligence could significantly affect how people understand and appreciate beauty.
  • AI-powered filters and editing tools may serve to reinforce unrealistic beauty standards.
  • It's important to think critically about AI-enhanced media and practice self-acceptance.
Icons 8 / Unsplash
Source: Icons 8 / Unsplash

Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are rapidly changing every aspect of human life. The world of AI is buzzing with an exciting potential to improve and enrich our lives. Still, AI also has the potential hazard of dominating our experiences in ways we might find difficult to control. One such area is how we understand and experience beauty. Here are a few innovations for consideration.

AI can be a collaborative tool in a wide range of creative endeavors. Combining human creativity and AI algorithms can lead to unique artistic outcomes that are beautiful to the human eye. These collaborations are likely to become increasingly common.

For instance, as convenient and provocative, AI enables virtual try-on experiences where you can virtually test makeup, hairstyles, clothing, and even cosmetic procedures before making any physical changes. Individuals can now experiment with different looks and explore their preferences, potentially expanding the range of beauty ideals. AI algorithms can analyze facial features and skin conditions to provide personalized beauty recommendations, such as skin care routines, makeup shades, or hairstyles. This customized approach aims to cater to individual preferences and enhance the concept of beauty tailored to each person's unique characteristics. In this way, AI can be a fun vehicle for self-discovery.

While AI offers exciting possibilities, it also raises ethical concerns. There is a risk of deepening societal beauty pressures and perpetuating unattainable beauty standards. Additionally, AI-powered beauty filters and editing tools can lead to distorted self-perception and contribute to body dissatisfaction.

AI-powered image editing tools and filters have become widely available, allowing us to alter our appearance in photographs and videos in seconds. We can use these tools to modify features such as skin texture, facial symmetry, eye color, and body shape, which may reinforce idealized or unrealistic beauty standards. As summarized in a recent post on "The Hidden Dangers of Online Beauty Filters," relying on this technology for social presentation can cause harm—such as body image issues, lower self-esteem, and social anxiety.

It's important to note that while AI can enhance our appreciation of beauty, it should not replace the genuine human experience and the emotional connections we derive from seeing the beauty in each other.

You can use several strategies to limit the adverse effects of AI media tools on your ideas about beauty.

1. Develop Self-Awareness.

Be conscious of how AI-generated images in the media may affect your self-perception and overall well-being. Reflect on how certain content or accounts make you feel and identify patterns contributing to negative thoughts or comparisons.

2. Curate Your Media Feed.

By intentionally curating your media feeds, you take control of the images you see. Unfollow accounts that promote unrealistic beauty standards or negatively impact your self-esteem. Instead, follow accounts that highlight the beauty in authenticity and diversity.

3. Practice Self-Acceptance and Self-Compassion.

Developing familiarity and appreciation for your real-life appearance might require deliberate practice. Try Mirror Meditation. Sit in front of a mirror for 10 minutes with no goal other than to be present with yourself with a kind intention. Enjoy your natural and authentic beauty.

4. Practice Media Literacy.

Develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the images and messages in the media. Question and analyze the motives behind the content you encounter. Recognize that many images are AI-generated and may not represent reality.

5. Limit Screen Time.

Set boundaries on how much time you spend online. Allocate plenty of time for other activities that promote self-care, non-AI-assisted creativity, and real-life human connections.

6. Take Control of Your Focus.

Shift the focus from external appearance to internal qualities and personal growth. Cultivate self-awareness to balance inner experience (body sensations, thoughts, and emotions) and external awareness (your appearance and how others reaction to you). For tips on using self-awareness more skillfully, read this.

7. Foster Real-Life Connections.

Prioritize building meaningful relationships and engaging in activities outside of an AI-generated interface. Seek face-to-face interactions, connect with loved ones, and engage in hobbies or pursuits that bring you joy and fulfillment. For tips on developing conversation skills in everyday encounters, read this.

Copyright 2023, Tara Well, Ph.D.

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