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Coronavirus Disease 2019

A Pandemic of Possibilities

The coronavirus could offer precious opportunities.

Larry's collection
Panic buying or prudence? Who can say?
Source: Larry's collection

The supermarket shelves are empty, and I turned 70 this week, just in time to count myself in the higher-risk group. There is a gloomy side to the COVID-19 virus, no doubt about it, but it does no harm to look for a bright side as well.

For example, many people, unaccustomed to it, will have time on their hands, time for re-evaluation of goals and ambitions (some growing beyond reach as the situation worsens), time for reflection on existing priorities and preoccupations, and for the discovery of healthier alternatives.

For this virus offers proof of seamless human inter-connectivity, that what one does affects others, that we humans are all deeply similar—chemically, biologically, emotionally and socially. Despite all differences and diversity, we are kin; so the worldwide threat of infection brings a precious opportunity to recognise the destructive absurdity of conflict and the universal wisdom of kindness and co-operation.

Larry's collection
Happy 70th Birthday and welcome to worry gone viral!
Source: Larry's collection

Time used for wise reflection offers a precious opportunity to make a corrective uplift to the hitherto spiraling-down trajectories of intolerant attitudes and mercenary values, resulting in the somewhat dispiriting shambles the world now seems to be in. Time is now available for many to learn better to defend and protect each other from harm, not only from sickness but from global warming and everything else.

Accepting and grieving our shared losses together, as we eventually must, people will undoubtedly move forward and usher in a saner, more hopeful future. Because "every silver lining has a cloud," and there are already hopeful signs of people's growing willingness to consider and help others, a pandemic of possibilities, this could certainly be.

Copyright Larry Culliford

Watch Larry on YouTube in three short videos on psychology and spirituality here.

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