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Why We're So Captivated by Coincidence

Elevating achieved outcomes above random results.

Key points

  • We sometimes attach more joy, meaning, and importance to random outcomes than we do to perserverance.
  • Yet placing excessive importance on chance can diminish the value we attribute to our own efforts.
  • It's important to shift our mindset and attach more meaning to the outcomes we have worked hard to achieve.

Imagine this: You’ve toiled away for weeks, pouring your heart and soul into achieving a goal that feels like an uphill battle. Yet when a stroke of random luck bestows you with unexpected success, the rush of emotions and euphoria is unparalleled. It's as if the universe threw you a curveball, and you find yourself attaching more joy and meaning to this serendipitous twist of fate than the culmination of your hard-earned efforts.

Sound familiar? In life, we often encounter moments where random coincidences unfold before us. These unexpected turns of events tend to capture our attention and evoke strong emotions, leading us to perceive them more positively compared to the milestones we have diligently worked for.

This paradox raises intriguing questions about human behaviour. But why does this happen? And what are the consequences of prioritising random coincidental outcomes over the sweat and tears of our labor?

One possible reason behind this phenomenon is the element of surprise and unpredictability that comes with coincidences. When something unexpected happens, resulting in positive outcomes, it can bring a sense of thrill and excitement. Moreover, coincidences might validate our belief in luck or destiny, making us feel special or chosen in some way.

When something unexpected occurs, it triggers a release of dopamine in our brains, leading to feelings of pleasure and excitement. Our brains are wired to seek out novelty and enjoy the thrill of the unknown. In contrast, achievements through hard work often come with incremental progress, making them less emotionally impactful.

Achieving outcomes through hard work and effort might not elicit the same level of surprise or novelty, nor trigger the same levels of dopamine. Therefore, we may underestimate the magnitude of our achievements and take them for granted because we are more aware of the labor and struggles involved. While finding joy in random coincidental outcomes isn't inherently negative, it can impact how we set goals, work towards them and place importance on our role within these central activities in our life.

Firstly, placing excessive importance on chance occurrences may diminish the value we attribute to our own efforts. This can lead to a sense of frustration or unfairness when luck does not favour us. Moreover, relying too much on randomness may encourage a passive approach to goals, as we wait for fortune to smile upon us rather than actively working towards our objectives.

The consequences of this mindset could be twofold. Firstly, it may lead to a diminished sense of accomplishment and a lack of motivation to set and achieve meaningful goals. If we constantly seek random coincidences for a sense of fulfillment, we may neglect the long-term effort required to create genuine achievements.

Placing excessive importance on chance occurrences may diminish the value we attribute to our own efforts. This can lead to a sense of frustration or unfairness when luck does not favour us. Moreover, relying too much on randomness may encourage a passive approach to life, as we wait for fortune to smile upon us rather than actively working towards our goals. This can hinder personal growth and prevent us from reaching our full potential.

Secondly, relying solely on random coincidences for meaning and joy can also be a barrier to our overall subjective well-being and happiness. These outcomes are often unpredictable, inconsistent, and beyond our control. Placing excessive importance on such occurrences may lead to a constant pursuit of instant gratification or an external locus of control, where our happiness becomes contingent on external, unpredictable, and arbitrary factors rather than our own actions, choices, and effort.

It's important to shift our mindset and attach more meaning to the outcomes we have worked hard to achieve. Acknowledging our efforts and celebrating our accomplishments, no matter how small, can boost our self-esteem and provide a sense of purpose. Moreover, recognising the value of perseverance, discipline, and personal growth inherent in achieving our goals can lead to greater fulfilment and long-term satisfaction.

While random coincidences can bring joy and excitement, it's crucial to recognise the importance of attaching meaning to our achieved outcomes. By embracing the value of hard work, celebrating personal accomplishments, and focusing on intentional goal-setting, we can cultivate a more fulfilling and self-directed life.

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