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Mastering Men's Self-Care With ChatGPT?

5 innovative strategies to elevate your well-being.

Key points

  • AI tools like ChatGPT offer novel ways for men to jumpstart self-care and take better care of their health.
  • ChatGPT can help men overcome the fear of reaching out for help or the shame of divulging personal challenges.
  • ChatGPT can help men reconnect with their body through tailored meditations and and nutrition advice.
  • It is necessary to determine whether the responses it generates are ethical, accurate, and appropriate.

In the age of AI tools like ChatGPT, it is essential to explore how they can positively impact men's health and well-being. There are well-founded concerns about AI bias, the risk of dehumanization, and the potential replacement of human-to-human connections. But before dismissing these tools entirely, I think it's prudent to ask how we can mindfully use ChatGPT to reduce suffering.

Here are 5 creative ways men can use ChatGPT to take better care of their bodies, minds, and relationships.

1. Feeling Anxious? Let Your Superhero Guide You.

Opening up about personal struggles can be tough for many men due to societal stigmas and feelings of shame about appearing weak. ChatGPT can make vulnerability more approachable, perhaps even enjoyable, by offering a chance to converse with people you admire.

For example, if anxiety is weighing you down, try asking ChatGPT how your favorite heroes or inspiring leaders would respond to your feeling of worry. I asked ChatGPT if the Buddha could help with my anxiety. It responded, "Recognize that anxiety arises from our attachments, desires, and our tendency to cling to outcomes. Reflect upon the desires and expectations that might be fueling it. Are they realistic and necessary?”

I did the same exercise with Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King Jr., and their imaginary responses provided helpful perspectives that can nudge us back towards what we value most.

2. Boost Your Self-Talk with Self-Compassion

We all know that negative self-talk can hinder our personal growth, but showing ourselves compassion isn't always easy. Men are often socialized to suppress emotions like sadness and avoid acknowledging when they're feeling down. ChatGPT can act like a caring friend and help transform disempowering thoughts into compassionate ones.

Try this prompt: "I keep telling myself I'm (fill in the blank with a negative belief). What can I tell myself that is more kind and understanding?" ChatGPT will generate a range of empowering responses to counter your negative thought patterns.

While this is not a substitute for professional help, giving men a confidential outlet to share their innermost feelings may be especially important for men who are reticent to engage in professional healthcare services (Oliffe,, 2010).

Moreover, it can provide guys with an outside perspective that encourages self-kindness over self-flagellation. The research shows that practicing self-compassion significantly enhances motivation for self-improvement (Breines, & Chen, 2012); ideally helping guys break through patterns of shame and taking responsibility for tending to their emotions.

3. Feeling Stressed? Create Personalized Meditations and Movement Practices

Many men are accustomed to dealing with stress by immersing themselves in work or distracting themselves with activities like drinking, gambling, or indulging in pornography. ChatGPT opens up new avenues for stress management that men might otherwise foreclose on because they seem too passive or feminine.

For instance, men can reengage with meditation on their own terms by creating customized guided practices tailored to their unique circumstances. Use the prompt: "Please write me a short guided meditation that addresses my (fill in the blank with a personal challenge)." If you’ve never meditated before, ask ChatGPT to make it easy, funny, or with more attitude to make it resonate with you. Try using voice-to-text software to hear it read out loud so you can follow along.

For many guys, sedentary practices like journaling or meditation may lack the cathartic sense of aliveness they’re looking for. You can ask ChatGTP to create an "active, movement-based activity that helps me feel (insert your issue or desired state)." This way, men can get out of their heads and back into their bodies, engaging in emotional processing that taps into energizing movement.

4. Struggling to Eat Better? Personalize Your Meal Plans, Shopping Lists, and Takeout

Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for overall well-being, but it can be challenging to eat well when juggling work, family, and other responsibilities. ChatGPT can assist by generating customized meal plans, shopping lists, and even detailed recipes. By inputting personal details such as sex, weight, age, height, and activity level, guys can receive tailored meal suggestions that meet their daily caloric needs.

If you give it your food preferences, allergies, and preferred number of meals and snacks, ChatGPT can generate personalized daily meal suggestions. Additionally, ChatGPT can generate shopping lists based on your meal plans, making it easier when grocery shopping. If you're not up for cooking, you can even ask ChatGPT to apply your meal plan to your favorite restaurants.

For instance, I told ChatGTP I was planning on eating breakfast at Dunkin Donuts, lunch at Sweetgreen, and dinner at a local Thai restaurant. It gave me options for each meal that met my preferred calories and macronutrients. The important part is using this tool to help you make more mindful choices about what you eat, not as a way of outsourcing the wisdom of your body.

5. Revive Your Fitness Routine: Customized Exercises and Workouts

Staying consistent with exercise can be a real challenge for guys who have fallen off the workout wagon. Whether you're unsure of where to start, constantly procrastinating, or overthinking your workout, ChatGPT can help jumpstart your fitness routine. If you tell it your goals, time constraints, weekly schedule, and equipment, it can provide you with general workout templates; thus overcoming common barriers to exercise such as time constraints, lack of knowledge or guidance, and fear of being judged for asking for help (Ebben & Brudzynski, 2008).

If you have specific training goals in mind, like improving your running speed, you can input your current pace and heart rate and have it create a detailed personalized training schedule. If you’ve been hitting the weights and have a good sense of your rep and weight ranges, just ask ChatGPT to create a program that progresses your workout accordingly. Yes, these suggestions will be based upon generic formulas that might not be right for your body, but they’re a way to reignite your motivation to work out, not a substitute for professional guidance.

As with any workout you find online, the potential for harm exists. You will need to move cautiously and modify exercises to suit your individual needs. The convenience of ChatGPT is the ability to quickly rewrite a workout based on the feedback you give about what feels appropriate.

Go Mindfully Into The Brave New World

Leveraging AI technology like ChatGPT to enhance men’s health requires a balance of convenience and critical evaluation. It's important to consider whether the responses it generates are ethical, accurate, and appropriate for you. While ChatGPT can offer immediate and confidential assistance on personal issues, it should never replace professional advice or the support of compassionate friends or well-trained professionals.

Using ChatGPT creatively and understanding its limitations can help kickstart self-care routines that may have otherwise remained dormant. The most crucial factor is your own desire to change and your willingness to break free from old patterns that aren't serving you. If ChatGPT can provide you with the easiest next step to capitalize on your desire for personal transformation, then use it to enhance your well-being. As soon as it becomes a replacement for your own wise discernment, it’s worth pausing to reevaluate your intentionality and boundaries with AI.


Breines, J. G., & Chen, S. (2012). Self-compassion increases self-improvement motivation. Personality and social psychology bulletin, 38(9), 1133-1143.

Ebben, W., & Brudzynski, L. (2008). MOTIVATIONS AND BARRIERS TO EXERCISE AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS. Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 11(5).

Oliffe, J. L., Robertson, S., Kelly, M. T., Roy, P., & Ogrodniczuk, J. S. (2010). Connecting masculinity and depression among international male university students. Qualitative health research, 20(7), 987-998.

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