10 Tips for Raising Self-Esteem
Self-confidence is not the same as self-esteem.
Posted January 20, 2010
Self-esteem is not the same as self-confidence. Self-confidence means believing in your ability to do something. Self-esteem means believing in your worthiness. Here are 10 tips for raising your self-esteem.
1. Raise the self-esteem of others. Be supportive, give them the benefit of the doubt; never ridicule or belittle anyone.
2. Push outside your comfort zone. Help others even when you feel like quitting. Listen patiently to things that are important to someone else, whether or not they're important to you.
3. Don't like the decision? Do your best to make it work. Try others' ideas when you disagree with them, just as you would want them to try yours.
4. Ask for help. Don't be a victim and expect people to feel sorry for you. And learn to ask instead of demand.
5. Promptly, sincerely thank someone who has helped you. It's only common sense. Why seem ungrateful?
6. Promptly offer help without being asked. If you really mean it, why wait?
7. Been hurt? Forgive, forget, move on. When people make honest mistakes that hurt you, let go as soon as possible. That doesn't mean you should let hurtful people hurt you again. But try to keep a long memory for the good deeds and a short memory for the others.
8. Learn to apologize. Don't just own up to your mistakes. Say how you plan to keep them from reoccurring. And keep your commitment.
9. Congratulate! It's normal to feel envy, even jealousy, when good things happen to others. But acting out those feelings is for jerks.
10. Try to give more than you take. You know what makes you happy, but do you know what would put a smile on another face? Could it be that hard to find out? Could it be so hard to do?