Rabbi “Informs” Me That Evolution Has Been Disproven!
Religiosity and scientific literacy.
Posted March 12, 2011
Several years ago, I was invited to a Shabbat dinner at a rabbi's house. Upon entering his house, the rabbi introduced me to the various guests who were already gathered in his living room. After stating that I was an evolutionary behavioral scientist, the rabbi flippantly stated that this was a rather strange profession given that evolution had been definitively "disproven." Now, there is a heart-warming hospitable welcome! I did not take the bait and instead chose to ignore the comment. I should mention that this gentleman is an otherwise kind and intelligent man. However, his religious beliefs can lead him to conclude that the singularly greatest intellectual breakthrough in human history is a hoax. Never mind the incalculable amount of scientific evidence in support of evolutionary theory (tantamount at this point to the proof that gravity exists...I am not engaging in hyperbole). The rabbi knew better. Evolution is apparently nonsense.
It is not surprising that research that has explored the link between religiosity and the acceptance of evolutionary theory is quite clear. With greater religiosity comes a staunch rejection of evolution. For example, in a 2008 paper, Tania Lombrozo, Anastasia Thanukos, and Michael Weisberg found a highly significant negative correlation (-0.43; p < .01) between religiosity and acceptance of evolution. In a more recent Gallup survey to coincide both with Darwin's 150-year anniversary of the publication of his seminal 1859 treatise and the 200-year anniversary of his birth, the following findings were obtained:
(1) Only 39% of the polled individuals proclaimed a belief in evolution (I wonder how many respondents "believe" in gravity).
(2) With greater education comes greater acceptance of evolutionary theory:
High school or less: 21% believe in evolution
Some college education: 41% believe in evolution
College graduate: 53% believe in evolution
Postgraduate: 74% believe in evolution
I can guarantee you that among the more educated groups, the "disbelievers" in evolution are not originating from the natural sciences or the biologically oriented social sciences.
(3) Needless to say, the more one attends Church, the lesser the belief in evolution:
Weekly attendance: 24% believe in evolution
Nearly weekly/monthly: 30% believe in evolution
Seldom/Never: 55% believe in evolution
This empirical reality applies undoubtedly to other religions and houses of worship (see here for a recent reaction from adherents of another Abrahamic religion).
On a related note, some readers might be interested in reading one of my earlier posts on the links between religiosity and education, as well as religiosity and intelligence. Notwithstanding the fact that some religious folks can incorporate evolution within their religious narratives (see my earlier posts on this issue here and here), generally speaking religion serves to reduce scientific literacy in the most profound of ways.
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