Developing the Survival Attitude: Part 1 of 3
The right attitude for surviving.
Posted July 19, 2008
A person's attitude has a lot to do with his or her chances of survival in a disaster. Although survival kits that contain some food, water, a first-aid kit, and some means of making fire are great to have on hand, perhaps more important is having the right attitude. Here are some tips for productive ways to think that can assist you when disaster strikes.
*Stay calm and think about the next step you should take. Disasters can be overwhelming, and many people may panic and throw their hands up in distress. But thinking about the situation in terms of small increments can be helpful for getting you out of the crisis. Concentrate on the one thing you should do next, and do it.
*Believe that you can do something to make a difference in the situation. If people believe that life happens to them and they can't do anything about it, they won't do anything at all. Believe in yourself and your ability to take action, and your chances for survival are much higher.
*Develop a mantra for yourself - something you can say to yourself to get you through a tough situation. Mantras such as "calm" or "life" or, my personal favorite, "Stop, Think, Observe, Plan" can keep you centered on the task at hand, and they can help clear your head for better thinking. Say these things to yourself during difficult situations in daily life, and you will be better equipped to use them if a disaster strikes.
*Think positively. People who become discouraged easily can fall apart in the face of a disaster. Learn to take challenges as they come, and think positively about the outcome of the situation. You will be able to overcome obstacles more easily with a more positive attitude.