Complete Without Kids Exploring all facets of childfree living. Friends Should Women Be Freed from the Motherhood Mandate? Ellen Walker Ph.D. on December 15, 2014 Should women be freed from the motherhood mandate? Should women be freed from the motherhood mandate? Career Why Dads Earn More and Moms Earn Less than the Childfree Ellen Walker Ph.D. on November 9, 2014 Why Dads Earn More and Moms Earn Less than the Childfree Why Dads Earn More and Moms Earn Less than the Childfree Career An Open Letter to Sigourney Weaver Ellen Walker Ph.D. on November 2, 2014 An Open Letter to Sigourney Weaver An Open Letter to Sigourney Weaver Friends Halloween: It's Not Just For Kids! Ellen Walker Ph.D. on October 30, 2014 Halloween: It's not just for kids! Halloween: It's not just for kids! Friends Childfree? Three Steps to Getting Your Affairs in Order Ellen Walker Ph.D. on September 22, 2014 Childfree? Three steps to getting your affairs in order Childfree? Three steps to getting your affairs in order Career Childfree Women: Misfits Among Their Female Peers Ellen Walker Ph.D. on September 15, 2014 Childfree women: Misfits among their female peers Childfree women: Misfits among their female peers Parenting Five Reasons More Young Couples Are Going Childfree Ellen Walker Ph.D. on August 26, 2014 Five reasons more young couples are going childfree, in India and beyond Five reasons more young couples are going childfree, in India and beyond Friends 5 Things Childfree Women Want Their Parent Friends to Know Ellen Walker Ph.D. on August 18, 2014 5 things childfree women want their parent friends to know 5 things childfree women want their parent friends to know Friends Three Survival Tips for Staying Friends with New Parents Ellen Walker Ph.D. on August 11, 2014 Three survival tips for staying friends with new parents Three survival tips for staying friends with new parents Marriage 4 Ways a Dog Can Help Make a Family Ellen Walker Ph.D. on August 6, 2014 How a dog can help make a family How a dog can help make a family Marriage Three Reasons Childfree Couples Cheat Less Ellen Walker Ph.D. on July 25, 2014 Three Reasons Childfree Couples Cheat Less Three Reasons Childfree Couples Cheat Less Career Parenting: A Lot of Work and Not For All Ellen Walker Ph.D. on July 6, 2014 Cameron Diaz speaks out about being childfree by choice Cameron Diaz speaks out about being childfree by choice Parenting Three Tips for Finding Peace in Your Childfree Life Ellen Walker Ph.D. on June 22, 2014 Three tips for finding peace in your childfree life Three tips for finding peace in your childfree life Parenting A Tribute to Great Fathers Ellen Walker Ph.D. on June 17, 2014 A Tribute to Great Fathers A Tribute to Great Fathers Parenting Why The Pope Is Wrong Ellen Walker Ph.D. on June 9, 2014 Why The Pope Is Wrong: Childfree couples should be valued for their contributions Why The Pope Is Wrong: Childfree couples should be valued for their contributions Anxiety Three Reasons Why Childfree Zones Are Super Ellen Walker Ph.D. on June 2, 2014 Airlines offer refuge from noisy kids. Airlines offer refuge from noisy kids. Motivation Three misconceptions about childfree men Ellen Walker Ph.D. on May 26, 2014 Three misconceptions about childfree men Three misconceptions about childfree men Relationships Four Misconceptions About Childfree Women Ellen Walker Ph.D. on May 20, 2014 Four misconceptions about childfree women Four misconceptions about childfree women Grief Not-So-Happy Mother’s Day Ellen Walker Ph.D. on May 9, 2014 Not-So-Happy Mother’s Day: For many women, it's no holiday. Not-So-Happy Mother’s Day: For many women, it's no holiday. Friends The Rift Between Parents and Childfree Adults Ellen Walker Ph.D. on April 28, 2014 The Rift Between Parents and Childfree Adults: Why Can’t We Just Get Along? The Rift Between Parents and Childfree Adults: Why Can’t We Just Get Along? 1 2 Next
Friends Should Women Be Freed from the Motherhood Mandate? Ellen Walker Ph.D. on December 15, 2014 Should women be freed from the motherhood mandate? Should women be freed from the motherhood mandate?
Career Why Dads Earn More and Moms Earn Less than the Childfree Ellen Walker Ph.D. on November 9, 2014 Why Dads Earn More and Moms Earn Less than the Childfree Why Dads Earn More and Moms Earn Less than the Childfree
Career An Open Letter to Sigourney Weaver Ellen Walker Ph.D. on November 2, 2014 An Open Letter to Sigourney Weaver An Open Letter to Sigourney Weaver
Friends Halloween: It's Not Just For Kids! Ellen Walker Ph.D. on October 30, 2014 Halloween: It's not just for kids! Halloween: It's not just for kids!
Friends Childfree? Three Steps to Getting Your Affairs in Order Ellen Walker Ph.D. on September 22, 2014 Childfree? Three steps to getting your affairs in order Childfree? Three steps to getting your affairs in order
Career Childfree Women: Misfits Among Their Female Peers Ellen Walker Ph.D. on September 15, 2014 Childfree women: Misfits among their female peers Childfree women: Misfits among their female peers
Parenting Five Reasons More Young Couples Are Going Childfree Ellen Walker Ph.D. on August 26, 2014 Five reasons more young couples are going childfree, in India and beyond Five reasons more young couples are going childfree, in India and beyond
Friends 5 Things Childfree Women Want Their Parent Friends to Know Ellen Walker Ph.D. on August 18, 2014 5 things childfree women want their parent friends to know 5 things childfree women want their parent friends to know
Friends Three Survival Tips for Staying Friends with New Parents Ellen Walker Ph.D. on August 11, 2014 Three survival tips for staying friends with new parents Three survival tips for staying friends with new parents
Marriage 4 Ways a Dog Can Help Make a Family Ellen Walker Ph.D. on August 6, 2014 How a dog can help make a family How a dog can help make a family
Marriage Three Reasons Childfree Couples Cheat Less Ellen Walker Ph.D. on July 25, 2014 Three Reasons Childfree Couples Cheat Less Three Reasons Childfree Couples Cheat Less
Career Parenting: A Lot of Work and Not For All Ellen Walker Ph.D. on July 6, 2014 Cameron Diaz speaks out about being childfree by choice Cameron Diaz speaks out about being childfree by choice
Parenting Three Tips for Finding Peace in Your Childfree Life Ellen Walker Ph.D. on June 22, 2014 Three tips for finding peace in your childfree life Three tips for finding peace in your childfree life
Parenting A Tribute to Great Fathers Ellen Walker Ph.D. on June 17, 2014 A Tribute to Great Fathers A Tribute to Great Fathers
Parenting Why The Pope Is Wrong Ellen Walker Ph.D. on June 9, 2014 Why The Pope Is Wrong: Childfree couples should be valued for their contributions Why The Pope Is Wrong: Childfree couples should be valued for their contributions
Anxiety Three Reasons Why Childfree Zones Are Super Ellen Walker Ph.D. on June 2, 2014 Airlines offer refuge from noisy kids. Airlines offer refuge from noisy kids.
Motivation Three misconceptions about childfree men Ellen Walker Ph.D. on May 26, 2014 Three misconceptions about childfree men Three misconceptions about childfree men
Relationships Four Misconceptions About Childfree Women Ellen Walker Ph.D. on May 20, 2014 Four misconceptions about childfree women Four misconceptions about childfree women
Grief Not-So-Happy Mother’s Day Ellen Walker Ph.D. on May 9, 2014 Not-So-Happy Mother’s Day: For many women, it's no holiday. Not-So-Happy Mother’s Day: For many women, it's no holiday.
Friends The Rift Between Parents and Childfree Adults Ellen Walker Ph.D. on April 28, 2014 The Rift Between Parents and Childfree Adults: Why Can’t We Just Get Along? The Rift Between Parents and Childfree Adults: Why Can’t We Just Get Along?