The Troublesome Holiday Dating Trend of "Sledging"
'Sledging' can take you on a very cold ride unless you are down with it.
Posted December 1, 2024 Reviewed by Hara Estroff Marano
Key points
- Sledging is whena partner delays the break-up of a relationship until after the holiday season.
- A partner may sledge in order to keep companionship, cuddling, and sex going through the winter,
- Signs of sledging include avoiding any talk about the future and having a primarily physical relationship.
- Speak openly and frankly about any sledging concerns. It may be OK if it matches both of your expectations.

Sledging is usually another word for sledding. But it's also become a dating term relevant to the part of the year when you tend to see snow. Sledging now refers to a relationship your significant other keeps going through the winter holiday season with the full intention of breaking up with you afterward.
It can be a cold practice that effectively snows you into believing that he or she is truly interested in you rather than just wanting some kind of companionship through the chilly holiday season. After all is sled and done, being dumped after the holidays are over could leave you very surprised and hurt.
Alternatively, if you are sledging your partner, you are essentially taking that person for a ride, one that is likely to send a partner tumbling down a steep emotional slope. It also can waste a lot of theirr time, preventing a partner from finding someone who really wants to be with them.
It's not completely clear who first shifted the meaning of "sledging", but it's current on social media and various other parts of the Internet. The phenomenon is not necessarily new, though: People have used their relationship partners for things besides love probably ever since, oh maybe, the beginning of relationships,
Regardless of the time of year, there are various reasons why someone might delay a break-up. The winter holidays and accompanying cold weather can simply heighten the reasons, which include:
- Not wanting to be alone: Yeah, hearing that Mariah Carey song, "All I Want For Christmas Is You" on a loop for the umpteenth time may not make people feel so good about being single. \
- Having a companion for parties and other events: You know all those holiday parties where everyone pretends to like each other? Well, your partner may be pretending to like you as well.
- Wanting a warm body around: Sure, your partner could buy a thick coat or an electric blanket to fend off the cold. But such things may not be as nice to cuddle with and won't cook or buy them dinner.
- Avoiding the "stigma" of being single: Ah, the dreaded, "Why are you still single," may come up a lot more often during family holiday gatherings.
- Sharing holiday costs and chores: The holidays can be an expensive and hectic time. It can be much easier to split or share things such as gift-giving and hosting parties.
- Having sex on demand: Oh, you didn't think we'd forget about this reason did you? Believe it or not, people can stay in a relationship just for the sex. Yes, shocking.
- Not being able to find someone else: It may be tougher to date and find a new significant other during the holiday season because everyone is occupied by the holidays (and perhaps sledging).
How do avoid getting taken for a ride by this whole sledging thing? Well, first look for any signs of sledging such as:
- Your partner avoids talking about the future: That's the future beyond this coming New Year's, Groundhog's, or Valentine's Day.
- Your relationship is primarily physical: If your conversation consists largely of, "Was it good for you too", that doesn't bode well for the future.
- The core things aren't in place like shared values or a shared vision: If you lack any real connection with your partner, it might not be too long before a sledgehammer comes down on your relationship.
- Your partner seems disinterested in your life: It's a bad sign when you tell your partner that you just won a Grammy award and your partner says, "That's nice," and turns back to watching Cobra Kai.
- Your partner seems annoyed or even disgusted with you: Examples include heavy sighs every time you do something and being highly critical of you.
- Your partner has sledged other people in the past: If you think you are so special that you will avoid the same fate that others faced, then good luck with that.
- Your partner seems to be setting up future possibilities with other people: It's a bad sign when your partner asks you to take a photo of him or her for a new Tinder profile.

If you do suspect your partner of sledging you, have an open and frank discussion with them. Ask them what their intentions are. Check to see whether you are indeed on the same page. If you confirm your partner's sledging ways and that's not how you ride, it may be best to get off now and go your separate ways.
On the other hand, both of you may have the same temporary needs coupled with a mutual ho-ho-hum towards each other. In such a case, it may be lovely weather for a sled ride together through the holidays. You can mutually sledge the heck out of each other as long your expectations match. In other words, things can end up fine as long as neither of you end up feeling mis-sled by the other.
Facebook image: Zamrznuti tonovi/Shutterstock