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Alison Escalante M.D.


Alison Escalante, M.D., is a pediatrician, speaker, and author of Sigh, See, Start: How to Be the Parent Your Child Needs in a World That Won’t Stop Pushing. In a perfectionistic parenting culture that tells you that you are never enough no matter how much you do for your kids, this unique approach empowers you with a simple parenting technique to gain confidence, remain grounded, and connect positively with your children.

Dr. Escalante is a Clinical Instructor in Pediatrics at Rush University and a former one at Northwestern. She has studied diversely, having done her undergraduate work at Princeton University in Medieval and Renaissance History with a focus in Cultural Interpretation. She went on to medical school at Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson and trained for her residency in Pediatrics at Duke University and the University of Chicago. She is a fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and lives in Illinois, where she is raising her two energetic boys.

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