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Photo of Vivienne Harte, MA, MUKCP, Psychotherapist
Online Psychotherapy Groups
Hosted by: Vivienne Harte

Online Psychotherapy Groups

Photo of Vivienne Harte, MA, MUKCP, Psychotherapist
Hosted by: Vivienne Harte
Verified by Psychology Today Verified by Psychology Today

01309 250180
Let's Connect 01309 250180
Photo of Vivienne Harte, MA, MUKCP, Psychotherapist

My Wednesday and Thursday evening groups are both online so are accessible to anyone anywhere in the UK so long as they have a laptop/tablet with internet access and a private space. My groups are a source of support in times of stress and change. They help people improve their ability to cope with difficulties and problems in their lives and their relationships. I guide the process, including focusing on interpersonal interactions, so members have the maximum opportunity to help and learn from each other, which provides benefits that individual therapy may not.

Group Details

Group Meets

Every Wed, Thu 7:99 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.


Anxiety,  Depression,  Peer Relationships 


Email Vivienne Harte about this group or call - 01309 250180
Let's Connect 01309 250180
Photo of Vivienne Harte, MA, MUKCP, Psychotherapist

Group Practice at a Glance

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