Divorce Recovery
Overcoming Divorce a small group therapy programme for adult individuals who have experienced the trauma of divorce. The impact of which can be long term without therapeutic intervention. these include psychological effects such as depression, anxiety, stress, financial distress and low self-esteem. Employing a strength-based approach, clients will benefit from the support of group synergy, creative expression of self. You will be able to manage your emotions, tap into your hidden personal strengths, reclaim your identity, raise your self-esteem, improve your communication and relationships. This programme will result in you rebuilding your life and finding your way back to personal fulfilment.
Group Details
Sterling Health and Lifestyle Ltd.
Slough SL1
Session Cost
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The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
If you would like to enrich and enjoy a successful beautiful relationship, then this is the group programme for you. Learn from the masters and escape the disasters that lead destruction. Gain tips, skills and walk away with a suitcase of valuables as you start or continue your relationship journey. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, is a programme for couples who are at various stages in their relationship. Married for several years and would like to enhance their relationship, engaged couples, planning their wedding and would like some nuggets to bullet proof their marital relationship years to come.