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James Youniss Ph.D. & Dan Hart Ed.D.


Daniel Hart, Ed.D., is a distinguished professor of psychology at Rutgers University and the co-author of Renewing Democracy in Young America. He studies moral and civic development in neighborhood contexts, and has published more than 100 articles and book chapters, and written or edited five books on social and civic development. He is also working in 11 communities across New Jersey to provide opportunities for youth to develop civic competencies.

James Youniss, Ph.D., is an emeritus professor of psychology at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. and the co-author of Renewing Democracy in Young America. He has been an active researcher of normal development for more than five decades, and he also studies civic engagement in youth as a natural outcome of social, cognitive, and moral development. Youniss has published more than 150 journal articles and authored or edited 11 books. His recent efforts have focused on the development of political-moral identity during youth.

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