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How a Therapist Copes With Stress (And You Can, Too)

Community, comfort, and joy can help us get through tough times.

Key points

  • It's natural for people to want to retreat inward when they feel stressed or overwhelmed.
  • However, what truly helps in difficult times is connection with other people and the outside world.
  • Simple tools, like revisiting familiar TV shows and books or setting healthy boundaries, may reduce stress.
Source: Sharefaith/Pexels

Stress and uncertainty are inevitable parts of life. However, lately, it feels like we’re navigating a particularly challenging stretch with so many changes happening around us. I find myself reaching for my tried-and-true coping strategies more than ever, and I want to share some of them with you.

These aren’t magic solutions but tools I use to steady myself when things feel out of control. I hope they’ll help you too.

Connect With Others

When I feel stressed and overwhelmed, I tend to retreat inward, but I’ve learned that reaching out to my community helps me feel less alone. This doesn’t necessarily mean big, formal gatherings (though those can be great, too!). It could be a phone call with my sister, a text to a friend checking in, or a casual chat with a colleague. These small connections remind me that I’m not alone, that there are people who care, and that leaning on each other helps us get through tough times.

Move Your Body

Movement is an essential coping strategy for me. I’m not talking about marathon running or intense gym workouts (though if that’s your thing, go for it!). I’m often surprised at how just a tiny bit of movement clears my mind and boosts my mood.

My go-to form of exercise is walking, but stretching and dancing also feel good and help me stop worrying and catastrophizing. Remember, movement helps move stress hormones out of the body, allowing us to relax.

Get Dressed and Go Outside

This might sound simple, but it makes a big difference: I get dressed and go outside every day, even if it’s just for a short walk or to run an errand. Getting dressed creates a sense of routine, which is comforting and tells my brain that it’s time to engage with the world. And going outside, even if it’s cold or cloudy, connects me to something bigger than myself. The fresh air, daylight, and beauty of nature help put things in perspective.

If There’s Something You Can Do, Do It

One of the hardest parts of uncertainty is feeling powerless. When I start spiraling about an unknown outcome, I ask myself, “Is there anything I can do to prepare?” Sometimes, the uncertainty concerns things outside of my control, but often, there are small, actionable steps I can take.

For example, if I’m worried about a work project, I might break it down into smaller, more manageable tasks. If I’m feeling anxious about natural disasters, I might update my emergency supply kit or familiarize myself with evacuation routes. Even if I don’t use those supplies or plans, making them can help me feel more in control.

Seek Joy

I also prioritize engaging in joyful activities. This is something I sometimes forget to do when I’m feeling stressed, but it tends to have a big impact on my mood. I actively do things that bring me joy, even small things like reading a novel, listening to music, playing with a pet, or working on a creative project. These activities have the added benefit of keeping me off social media or the news, which tends to add to my stress level.

Find Comfort in Familiarity

Another way I cope with uncertainty is to revisit familiar favorites. During stressful times, rewatching my favorite TV shows and rereading cherished books is comforting (and not a waste of time!). Reconnecting with my favorite characters and knowing what happens next in a story offers needed comfort and predictability when I feel overwhelmed.

Set Boundaries

Finally, I’ve learned to be mindful of my energy. I can’t do everything, and that’s OK. I allow myself to say no to things that aren’t essential or that drain me. This includes letting go of non-essential commitments and prioritizing things that matter most to me. It also involves setting boundaries with people by limiting exposure to negative people and telling people explicitly what I need.

Stay the Course

I won’t pretend that coping with stress and uncertainty is easy. Some days are harder than others. But these strategies help me navigate uncertainty with a little more focus, energy, and optimism.

The key is to be kind to myself, acknowledge my feelings, and keep experimenting until I find what works best for me in the moment. I hope that some of these ideas resonate with you and that you find your own ways to navigate the unknown with strength and courage.

More from Sharon Martin, DSW, LCSW
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