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Robert Bartholomew Ph.D.


Robert Bartholomew, Ph.D., is an American medical sociologist and author of Outbreak! The Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Social Behavior (Anomalist Books, 2009) with historian Hilary Evans, and American Intolerance: Our Dark History of Demonizing Immigrants (Prometheus, 2018). A Research Fellow with the Center for Inquiry in Amherst, New York, he is an honorary member of the Department of Psychological Medicine at the University of Auckland, and teaches history at Botany College. Bartholomew coined the term 'exotic deviance' in the field of social psychiatry to describe the inappropriate placement medical labels onto unfamiliar behaviors and conduct codes in Non-Western countries.

The author of over 16 books and dozens of articles in peer-reviewed journals, he holds a doctorate in sociology from James Cook University in Queensland Australia, a Masters in American sociology from the State University of New York at Albany, a Masters in Australian sociology from The Flinders University of South Australia, a BA degree in Communications from The State University of New York at Plattsburgh, and a Certificate in Radio Broadcasting from what is now the State University of New York - Adirondack campus. He has written on an array of topics ranging from human social and cultural diversity, to mass psychogenic illness, social delusions, popular myths and folklore, moral panics, fads, crazes, the history of tabloid journalism, and the history of the paranormal.

Books by Robert Bartholomew Ph.D.
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