Isa Soler
Verificado por Psychology Today Verificado por Psychology Today
08010 Barcelona
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| English If you have experienced trauma, either from a single traumatic event or from developmental trauma, I understand how challenging and difficult functioning can be. Trauma can affect every aspect of our life, our sense of safety, our sense of identity, and confidence in our ability to thrive. I also understand how important and necessary it is to find ways to alter these limiting patterns. I am a licensed psychotherapist in the United States with Equivalencia in Spain, with three Master’s and multiple certifications and over 24 years experience in the field of trauma and mind/body approaches.

I'm licensed in the US National Board as a LPC and have Equivalencia in Spain. I specialize in issues related to trauma and certified in mind/body psychotherapies recommended for the treatment of trauma, IFS Level II, Neurofeedback, EMDR, CHt, and Trauma Informed Yoga for Mental Health, Guided Imagery, Compassion Focused Therapy, Breathwork and Meditation.
I'd be honored to be part of your process of change, to create strength out of the difficulties you previously experienced. Although this unfolding process is a daily individual practice, one that is built step by step, it is the most rewarding and necessary.
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Tarifas y formas de pago
- Terapia individual €80
- Se ofrecen precios variables según ingresos
- Formas de pago: Efectivo, Transferencia bancaria
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Isa Soler
- Verificado por Psychology Today Título/Diploma de Florida International University Isa Soler
- Años de experiencia: 23 años
- Habilitado/a por NCSAPPB Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialist / Isabel Soler / 2013
- Habilitado/a por NCBLPC Licensed Professional Counselor / 7982 / 2010
- Universidad: Masters in Science Counseling, titulado/a en 2002
Especialidades y experiencia
Especialidades principales
- Trauma y TEPT
- Ansiedad
- Depresión
- Abuso sexual
- Autoestima
- Divorcio
- Duelo
- Enfermedad crónica
- Estrés
- Expat issues
- Psicooncología
- Relaciones abiertas no monógamas
- Terapia para mujeres
- Terapia relacional
Sobre el paciente
Adultos ,
Adultos mayores (65+)
También hablo
Francés ,
Adultos ,
Adultos mayores (65+)
También hablo
Francés ,
Métodos de tratamiento
Tipos de terapia
- DMT, Breathwork and Meditation
- Hipnosis clínica
- Mindfulness
- Neurofeedback
- Psicología positiva
- Terapia basada en el apego
- Terapia centrada en el trauma
- Terapia centrada en la compasión (CFT)
- Terapia centrada en la persona
- Terapia de aceptación y compromiso (ACT)
- Terapia focalizada en emociones
- Terapia integrativa
- Terapia narrativa
- Terapia somática
Ubicación adicional
Carrer D'Ausias Marc 4
08010 Barcelona
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Áreas cercanas
Ciudades / pueblos
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Isa Soler