Women's (40-65+) Monthly Book Club (In-Studio)
This is an online psychoeducational small group therapy series for women, limited to 7 participants. It is a great place to start your therapy journey. Each group is closed (it's the same women each week) creating a sense of intimacy, consistency and safety. Each session lasts 1.5 hours and costs $85 (tax-exempt). Therapy groups run by a Registered Social Worker with an MSW are covered by most insurance companies. Continuous group. Books change every 2-3 months. Read or don't read. I teach, you eat, we talk.
Group Details
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Trauma Support Group (In Person)
Using Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) and Trauma Therapy , this skills building group is intented to equip participants with greater capacity to regulate emotion, manage distress, interrupt unwanted thoughts and destructive behaviour patterns, increase self-compassion, learn to set limits and develop more effective interpersonal skills. Max 7 participants. No previous therapy required. I teach, you eat, we talk.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Online Monthly Book Club (Ages 18-35)
Nothing replaces community, and the support and care of others is powerful. Some people love books, some listen to the audio books and others only dream of finding the time or space for reading and its all they can do is hop on the call. Books change every 2-3 months. Regardless of your situation, if you memorize the book or never bother ordering it, there will be a few key take aways. The point is for you to feel comfortable and connected, and have consistent support.