Thera-Tea: Unfiltered Chats With Therapists

I host a free webinar series on the first Wednesday of each month to give you all advice, tips and information about all things therapy! Each webinar will have a new therapist guest sharing their insights and perspectives on different aspects of therapy that will help guide you if you are thinking about starting your own journey but aren’t sure how. Basically, we are spilling the tea on therapy!!! Email me for details on how to sign up.
Group Details
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My Other Groups
Mental Health in Sports Workshops for Youth

Tailored and customized workshops for youth in sports such as hockey, soccer, dance, cheerleading and more. These workshops are provided to sporting organizations, teams and clubs, tailored to meet youth athletes mental health needs in relation to the demands of their sport. The workshops not only provide education, knowledge, tools, strategies and information to help youth thrive in their sport but also provide mental health supports that will carry over into their every day lives. Separate sessions are also offered for coaches trainers and parents in order to provide them with the tools to better support youth with their mental health and wellness.
Types of Therapy
Mind Your Business:Workshops for Corporate setting

Mind your business is centred on the importance of mental resilience, stress management, emotional regulation, & overall wellbeing in enhancing & optimizing performance in all facets of professional life. The workshops blend educational content, mindfulness practices, coping strategies, & open discussions to foster a supportive atmosphere that nurtures both mental & professional strength. Not only do the workshops aim to empower employees with skills to manage their mental health effectively, they aim to cultivate a culture of empathy, understanding, & mutual support within the corporate sphere.