Loved Ones of People Living with Chronic Illness
No cost group. We are delighted to offer a free of cost drop-in support group for family members and loved ones of individuals living with chronic illness. We offer a safe, collaborative, and supportive space for participants to connect with other caregivers, share their lived experiences, and create community. Our group begins March 19th 2024 and will run for 6 weeks. Tuesdays 6:45 pm - 8 pm via Zoom
Group Details
Vancouver, BC V5T
Group Meets
My Other Groups
BIPOC Folks Navigating Loneliness and Isolation
A group for BIPOC folks navigating loneliness and isolation from a cultural relational lens. Begins May 6th and runs 6 weeks at a time. Sliding scale $5-20 per session. Email
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
DBT Skills Group for Queer and Trans Folks
Online DBT Skills Group for Queer and Trans Folks. This group is for folks who have been interested in learning about DBT, but maybe haven't felt comfortable/included in other settings. Or you have perhaps attended DBT skills groups before, and want to reconnect and re-envision DBT for yourself and your community. In this group, participants will learn and practice DBT skills to better understand, navigate, and manage emotional distress. Can be covered by RHAP, FNHA, Autism Funding and extended health benefits. Ongoing group that runs in 6 weeks increments ($450/6 weeks).