Facing the Shadow (FTS) - Sex and/or Porn Addicts
FTS (MEN only or WOMEN only) is for those who believe they are addicted to sex in any form, including chasing new relationships or pornography viewing. Using resources designed by Dr. Patrick Carnes, FTS is a 22-week program of 4-8 members, which uses the Task-Centered therapy approach to help you work on identifying your sexual arousal template and problematic behaviours, and gives you tools to counter the temptations and work toward an integrated, healthy sexuality. FTS is moderated by Registered Psychotherapists (RP) and Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSAT). New groups begin regularly.
Group Details
The Whitestone Clinic
38 Auriga Drive
Unit 12
Ottawa, ON K2E
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Facing Heartbreak (FHB) - Partners of Sex Addicts
FHB is specifically for PARTNERS of sex addicts. FHB is a 20-22 week program using resources by Dr. Stefanie Carnes. It uses a Task-Centred model to help you cope with the trauma of discovering your loved one is a sex addict. FHB will guide you through a process of recovery that educates and empowers you to reclaim your life from the heartbreak and wreckage of betrayal to find renewed hope and healing. FHB is moderated by Registered Psychotherapists (RP) and Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSAT), FHB meets each month on weeks 2, 3, and 4. New groups begin regularly.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Recovery Zone (RZ1/RZ2) - Sex and/or Porn Addicts
RZ Groups are for MEN only who have completed the Facing the Shadows (FTS) Group program and are ready to continue healing. Using resources designed by Dr. Patrick Carnes, RZ1/RZ2 are 22-week programs of 4-8 members, which use the Task-Centered therapy approach to continue work started in FTS/RZ1. They focus on awareness of the addiction cycle, relapse prevention, trauma in partners and disclosure. RZ groups are moderated by Registered Psychotherapists (RP) and Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSAT). New groups begin regularly as FTS/RZ1 groups complete their programs.