Face Your Fears, Social Anxiety Series
Let's Connect (587) 705-0418 x2
Do you feel excessively worried in various social situations such as when having a conversation, when meeting unfamiliar people, if giving a speech or performing in front of others? Do you fear that you will be negatively evaluated, embarrassed, rejected or offensive to others? Does it cause avoidance or do you endure it with intense fear or anxiety? Research says the best way to overcome these fears is to face them, so lets face them together and learn to kick social anxiety in the butt! Join our 6 session series co hosted by Stefanie Gescher R. Psych starting Oct. 8th.
Group Details
Riverwest Therapy Collective
700 4 Avenue Southwest
Suite 850
Calgary, AB T2P
Session Cost
Group Meets
Every Tue 6 P.M. - 8 P.M.
Peer Relationships
Types of Therapy
Cognitive Behavioural (CBT)
Email Sherise Miller about this group or call - (587) 705-0418 x2
Let's Connect (587) 705-0418 x2