Comprehensive DBT Program
A 26-week Dialectical Behaviour Therapy program involving individual therapy, group therapy, and phone skills coaching. DBT is helpful for people who have trouble understanding and managing their emotions by developing skills and strategies that allow people to deal with life's inevitable challenges so they are better equipped to manage stressors effectively. The goal of DBT is to create a life that you experiences as being a life worth living! To learn more about this group, please visit our website
Group Details
Edgar Psychological
10129 123 Street Northwest
Edmonton, AB T5N
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Navigating the 4th Trimester
In navigating the difficult transition to parenthood, many new parents experience significantly decreased mood and increased anxiety in the two years after the birth of their child. This 9-week group is structured to help provide you tools to manage post-partum mood difficulties as well as providing a safe and supportive environment. You will learn information about common post-partum experiences and have a space to share with others who can validate your experience. The program is designed to treat depression and anxiety by providing concrete things that you can do differently to manage your mood. Registration is required.