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A Break From Workplace Microaggressions and Bullying

Some employees don't want to return to the office; leaders need to ask why.

Key points

  • The members of some demographic groups report being more hesitant to return to the office than others.
  • Only 3% of Black knowledge workers, and over 20% of white knowledge workers, look forward to returning to the office full-time.
  • This is an opportunity for leaders to assess their workplace cultures and build safer and more equitable spaces.

While many people are eagerly awaiting the return to work on-site, some people are dreading the callback, and for a good reason. A 2019 study by the job listing site found that up to 90% of employees have experienced workplace bullying on at least one occasion.

In addition to the high percentage of employees who experience bullying, some employees experience targeted microaggressions on the job. There is ample evidence that Black Americans experience more microaggressions in the workplace and elsewhere than any other racial group.

Other minority groups also are more likely to face microaggressions and hostility on the job. A 2019 study by the Human Rights Campaign found that most LGBTQ employees at least occasionally overhear colleagues making jokes about members of their community. Also, 1 in 5 have been told to change their appearance to appear more gender normative.

For Some, the Pandemic Offered a Break From Bullying and Discrimination

Despite widespread reports of deteriorating mental health during the pandemic, anecdotally, some people reported improved mental health as remote work eliminated certain types of workplace microaggressions. This may also explain why some employees are now less eager than others to go back to the office.

An early 2021 survey by Slack’s Future Forum found that only 3% of Black knowledge workers are looking forward to returning to the office full-time. By contrast, over 20% of white employees are eager to return to the office full-time.

Not surprisingly, many members of the transgender community have also welcomed remote work. For some, it has been the first time they have been able to come out as transgender at work and fully embrace their chosen gender identity. Again, for members of this community, the return to work brings new risks and challenges.

All of this raises important questions for leaders. First, if some employees feel more comfortable working at home, should leaders support their ability to continue doing so? Second, how can leaders support employees who would prefer to keep working remotely? Finally, how will this situation potentially impact diversity initiatives in the workplace, especially given reports that people who work on site are more likely to be viewed as high potential and receive promotions?

Empower Employees With Options

Choice is always empowering. Under the current circumstances, it may be especially empowering. Unless your workplace requires all employees to be on-site all the time, consider the benefits of going permanently remote or creating a flexible hybrid model of work. If you need to bring people back, consider a soft return (e.g., make on-site work optional for the first few months to allow time for everyone to adjust).

Track Employees’ Return-to-Work Decisions

If you are giving employees the option to come back, go permanently remote, or adopt a hybrid schedule, find out why they are opting for one model over another. Knowing whether an employee is working remotely because they have moved or simply because they never felt comfortable or safe working on-site pre-pandemic is important data.

Don’t Ignore the Problem

If you discover that minority employees are avoiding a return to the office due to a history of workplace bullying or microaggressions, face the problem. Out of sight (remote) isn’t out of mind. Failure to address your organization’s problems may lead to a more homogenous and toxic workplace in the future.

Clarify Your Values and Invest in Your Culture

Beyond the pandemic, in the United States, Black and Asian Americans have been confronted with increasingly visible but by no means new forms of violence over the past year. White Americans have been called upon to wake up and reflect on their racial privilege. It goes without saying that workplaces can no longer ignore conversations about racism and white privilege. To build prosperous and equitable organizations that support all Americans, leaders need to clarify what matters (i.e., clarify their values) and seriously consider how these values can be embedded in actions, including those that drive decision-making, hiring, and promotions.

Keep the Door Open

The return to work will be complicated. It will also be more complicated for some people than others. Intentionally invest to rebuild trust and relationships. Also, if a return to the office is optional in your organization, remain aware of who isn’t present. Most importantly, keep checking in and building a workplace culture online and on-site that feels equally welcoming to every member of your team.

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