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The Benefits of Creative Visualization

How practice (in your mind) makes perfect

“To transform reality, we must alter the one thing that is not fixed: the programs themselves. For our universe, these are what we call “beliefs.” So in this way of thinking of things, belief becomes the software that programs reality.”

Gregg Braden

The subconscious mind is a programmable “hard drive”. The “programs” of our lives, which are largely stimulus-response behaviors, are downloaded into our subconscious. The subconscious does not rely on the outside world for its “knowing,” and so it can’t differentiate between what is real and what is imagined. The subconscious remembers everything, is absolutely literal (which means there’s no subtlety), and processes only in the present tense. It will look for and guide you to whatever you tell it. So you must be absolutely clear and specific in directing your subconscious to help you accomplish your goals. The subconscious mind uses imagination and feeling to communicate; you can practice in your mind without ever doing the actions.

Your conscious mind, on the other hand, is an evolutionary development of higher mammals. In humans the conscious mind takes many years to develop and mature. It is logical and, as a thinking entity, uses words to communicate. It processes in the past, present, and future. The conscious mind directly perceives the outside world and takes in what it “sees”. The beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are programmed may override what our conscious mind desires. So to attain our conscious goals the idea is to access the subconscious in order to go beyond our limitations.

Reprogramming old beliefs eliminates negative patterns. Although you still remember the negative event, the emotional response changes; the attachment you once had is essentially eliminated. When you change your belief you change your response to life and what you believe you can achieve.

Creative visualization is a good example of how to use your imagination to help you create whatever you want to happen in your life. The technique has been around for a long time, has been well-researched, and its usefulness has been demonstrated. For example, this is a popular technique in the preparation of seasoned athletes for competition.

Thought precedes creation; the idea guides energy in the physical world in order to create certain behaviors. There are three requirements for creative visualization to be fully effective: 1.) the desire to create what you have decided to visualize, 2.) the belief in what you have chosen to attain through your visualization and the certainty that you will attain it, and 3.) the acceptance of having whatever you have visualized as your goal.

Anyone can utilize creative visualization to achieve a desired goal. Turn your attention to an area of your life upon which you want to focus. After moving into deep relaxation, examine this area just as it is in your present reality. What do you most want to change about it? What emotions and feelings would you want to accompany this change? List all the reasons that prevent you from creating/having this reality. Is it fear, anxiety, too much disruption to your life, to your relationships? Keep on going until you have identified all of the limiting reasons.

Now, imagine what you want to happen, unfolding as you want it to be.

Set your desired goal.

Listen to your inner guidance to affirm that what you are asking for is what you really want, is positive, and is meant for your highest good.

Create exactly what you want to happen just as you want it to be.

Visualize this often and in as much detail as possible utilizing all of your senses.

Affirm what you create over and over again.

Remember, creative visualization is accomplished in the first person and in the present tense---it is happening to you now---so be extremely clear in the way you describe and visualize what you want to happen.

We all operate from our own individual point of view or perspective: a reality with which our mind feels comfortable. By realizing that we can consciously and actively alter our point of view through visualizing a desired outcome, we have an opportunity to shift perception in reality.

More from Abigail Brenner M.D.
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