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Is Worrying About Your Teens Healthy?

I don't know if it's normal to worry so much

Dear Dr. G.,

Before I had my kids I wasn't really much of a worrier. Of course, I worried about some things like whether or not I'd find a good job, a kind husband, and my health. I don't remember staying up nights worrying though.

I am now the proud mom of two teens. My son is 17 and my daughter is 14 going on 21. When they were infants I worried about Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. When they were toddlers I worried about whether or not I was dealing with their tantrums in the right way. When they started school I worried about whether or not they would fit in. I worried about whether the other mothers would like me. All of these things seeemed to work out fine. My kids were generally healthy and had friends and their tantrums seemed to subside when the books said they were supposed to.

Now, my kids are teens and I have new worries. What if I forget to remind them to drive safely and then something happens? What if I am not aware of poor friendship choices and they get involved with the wrong friends? Suppose I let them sleep over a friend's house and an older brother hurts one of them. I am constantly asking myself "What if?"

I am embarrassed to tell any of my friends about my worries and about what I think about. What if they think I'm nutty and don't let their kids come to my house?

Please Dr. G—give me some advice. How much worry is the right amount of worry?

A Worry-Wart Mother

Dear Mother.

You are right. Once we become parents most of us start to worry more. We are now given the responsibility to take care of not only ourselves but of new people that we have brought into this world or maybe even adopted. And, we now have a moral, legal, and ethical responsibility to take good care of these kids.

Some amount of worry is healthy. A moderate level of worry can serve as a reminder for us to keep our kids safe and to look after their health and well-being. Too much worry on the other hand can be debilitating for both parents and their children. This can happen in a variety of different ways:

1. You may instill a great deal of anxiety and fear in your child.

2. Your child like you may come to view the world as a terrifying place.

3. You may make decisions based solely on fear rather than based on concern AND rational thought.

4. The stress associated with chronic worrying can make both you and your kids physically and mentally unhealthy.

There is a tendency for parents, particularly moms, to think that if they worry enough then bad things will not befall their kids. This is to a large extent superstitious thought.

Here is my answer to your question about how much worry is the right amount. As long as the worry is guiding you to help your teens' make good decisions then you are worrying well. When your worry interferes with sleeping, eating, and the quality of your relationships with your kids then it is time to check things out with a therapist. It sounds to me like your worry level has reached a very uncomfortable place. Get a little help for yourself and then write back and let me know how it goes. Good luck and thank you for checking things out.

Dr. G.

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