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Rag Doll Rising

Two Animated Pin Cushion Dolls Debate the Magic Behind the Law of Attraction

Of mysterious and unspoken origins, we find this artistic vision: a dark post-apocalyptic debate between two animated pin-cushion dolls regarding the nature of positive belief, action, and outcome. Inspired by several semi-obscure fantasy and sci-fi sources, only true aficionados of the genre can identify them all.

I like it. It is no secret that science and myself do not think much of "The Law of Attraction." Here's my earlier take on the topic:

And I'm just one of many Psychology Today experts sharing that opinion:

And that is just a sample of them. If we move outside of our internet enclave, there are a thousand other voices as well, such as this rather nifty New York Times review by Professors Chabris and Simons.

Seems like a bit of battle between good science and good marketing and, I have to say, marketing is kicking our butts. Perhaps a debate between two pin cushion dolls is exactly what could change the momentum back in science's favor? Twisted to be sure, but it isn't like reasoned writing has been especially successful. Like the clip and share the link; only way to find out whether this is going to work.

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