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Laugh Your Way to a Six Pack (Mentally and Physically)

You'll be surprised how many benefits laughing has.

Do you remember the last time you laughed so hard that you had tears rolling down your face? You were in such hysterics that your abs hurt and you had to gasp for air? I bet you felt all kinds good during that laughter episode—and long after too! And there's a whole set of reasons why.

Image by Ianchongzi (flickr)
Source: Image by Ianchongzi (flickr)

When it comes to your body, laughing does all kinds of good things for you. Firstly, it reduces the level of cortisol and stress hormones, giving you a physical and emotional release. That's why, after laughing you often feel a sense of relief. Secondly, it also releases happy hormones, known as endorphins, which reinforce your joy further and boost your body's immune system. Last but not least, laughing also gives your body an internal workout through exercising your diaphragm, contracting your abs (there's the secret to a six pack!), and even making your heart stronger.

Emotionally, laughing replaces negative emotions like stress, anger and guilt with more positive ones such as delight, excitement and joy. This energises your body and mind, giving you more zest for life and enhancing your overall resilience. It also gives you a more light-hearted perspective to challenges so you can see difficult situations as learning opportunities rather than threats. Most importantly, laughing connects you with other people in a powerful way, whether it is you spreading positivity, using humor to build your relationships, or simply sharing a good laugh with someone close to you.

These are only a few of the many benefits that laughing has on you but these are my favourites. So now you know why you should make it a priority. Especially because on average healthy adults laugh about 20 times a day—compared to kids who laugh about 200 times a day! It's time we learned from our juniors and made more of an effort to have a giggle!

Go read a funny book or watch a funny film. Reminisce on some funny memories with a friend. Find things to laugh about. Laugh out loud proudly when you feel like it.

You're going to feel lighter, more hopeful and more grounded as a result. And most importantly, you'll be a happier you!

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