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5 Signs You Are Burned Out at Work

How to know when you need a break

Burnout is, in part, just feeling like you have nothing left to give. Chronic burnout can lead to emotional issues and a decline in your physical health. Here are five ways to know when it is time to reevaluate your work situation.

1. You wake up in the morning with a feeling of dread. Or nausea. Or both.

Listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Your body is really good at giving you a heads-up - you just need to take time out to listen to it. Then believe what it is trying to tell you. If you have a tendency to stuff your feelings down, you may notice physical symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, aches and pains, and headaches may happen more often. The mind has a great deal of influence over the body, and the chronic stress of burnout can really do a number on your physical health.

2. You are doing things that are out of character for you.

You are snapping at people, and usually you are the calm one. You're usually a "let's get this done!" kind of person, but lately you are saying "forget this" (or something more colorful) when you are given an assignment.

3. You spend a large part of your day surfing the Internet or daydreaming.

This can indicate distraction (which may be part of your burnout), or it could be a big sign that you just don't care anymore. Take a look and see if you are making a choice about your job in a passive way. For example, getting fired because you are online instead of working, instead of taking an active role in improving your job situation. While making an active decision about your job means taking a risk, it also means more control over your destiny and outcomes.

4. When you try to think of something to look forward to, you come up with nothing.

When you can't think of anything positive or fun to look forward to, this can be a sign of hopelessness, a hallmark symptom of depression. It is recommended that you seek the guidance of a mental health professional to talk about your possible feelings of being despondent. If you are suicidal, contact the Suicide Prevention Hotline at or 1-800-273-8255.

If it's just a matter of overworking and not taking enough time for fun, see my article on easy ways to add more fun into your life: 8 Ways to Have More Fun

5. Your friends and family are noticing that things aren't going so hot for you right now.

Maybe your spouse has told you that you just aren't taking care of yourself like you used to. You may be eating too much or too little. You may have insomnia or oversleep. When you are experiencing these changes in your day-to-day behavior, it's usually a good idea to check in with your doctor. Several issues can cause a change in your activities of daily living - depression, anxiety, stress, thyroid issues...the list goes on. Do yourself (and the people that love you) a favor and get yourself checked out.

Remember, seeking out help is a sign of strength, not a weakness.

Copyright 2016 Sarkis Media

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