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Tom Brown Hits ADD on the Nail

Dr. Brown has provided us with an important study.

This post is in response to
The Mysteries of ADD and High IQ

Dr. Brown's PT post discusses a study of "117 high IQ children and adolescents with ADD."

From my clinical experience, Dr. Brown's research is very accurate. Having a high IQ may help someone with ADHD create more compensation techniques, but it does not make ADHD any less impairing.

Dr. Brown hit the nail on the head when he wrote,

"Students in this study, compared to others of the same age, were impaired not by lack of smarts, but by chronic inability to deploy their smarts in effective work and in getting along with other people."

In addition, just like in Dr. Brown's study, I have found that people with high IQs and ADHD may not show impairment until they get to college. It's one of the reasons I wrote a book on ADHD and the college experience -- many people with ADHD were experiencing impairment when they arrived at college and were left to their own devices.

Thank you, Dr. Brown, for posting the results of this important study.

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