Daring Greatly Brene Brown
Let's Connect (03) 7003 2183

Daring Greatly™ offers an innovative and transformative approach to the way that we live, love and parent. Based on Dr Brené Brown’s revolutionary work on courage, shame, vulnerability and worthiness this programme will help you live more courageously and better manage the experiences of uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure that are part of everyday life. You will cultivate the courage to lean into living authentically and wholeheartedly by developing the skills associated with shame-resilience and connectedness. You will learn how to live your life in a more authentic and wholehearted way.
Group Details
Mindquest Group Australia
70 Armadale Street
Armadale, VIC 3143
Practice Areas
Self Esteem,
Women's Issues
Email Justine Campbell about this group or call - (03) 7003 2183
Let's Connect (03) 7003 2183