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Monica N. Starkman M.D.


Monica Starkman, M.D., is a professor of psychiatry, active emerita, at the University of Michigan Medical School’s Department of Psychiatry, a faculty member of its Depression Center, and a novelist. Her clinical and research work centers on psychosomatic medicine: the interactions between mind/brain and body. Her novel The End of Miracles draws on Dr. Starkman's decades of experience with psychosomatic medicine, infertility, depression, and psychotherapy. It is a suspenseful story about a woman who unravels psychologically after harrowing infertility and a tragic miscarriage, the shocking choices she makes, and the psychiatrists and close ones who try to save her.

Her professional publications include papers on subjects such as false pregnancy (pseudocyesis), psychological reactions to the fetal monitor, and parent-to-adolescent renal transplantation. Dr. Starkman is a recognized expert on the effects of stress hormones on mood and brain structures and the principal investigator of several research grants from the National Institutes of Health.

Books by Monica N. Starkman M.D.
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