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Lubomir Lamy Ph.D.


Lubomir Lamy (Ph.D., West-Paris University, 1989) is a French social psychologist whose research and writings focus on the first steps in love. He is the author of Psychosociologie de l'amitié (The social psychology of friendship), Presses Universitaires de France, 1993, L'amour ne doit rien au hasard (Love has nothing to do with chance), Eyrolles, 2006, and Pourquoi les hommes ne comprennent rien aux réciproquement (Why men and women can't understand each other), Eyrolles, 2008. Dr. Lamy has been teaching social psychology at South-Paris University since 1994, and has made numerous radio and television appearances. He recently investigated the influence of love on prosocial behavior: the fascinating effects of romantic songs and phrases on men's willingness to help strangers.

Books by Lubomir Lamy Ph.D.
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