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Victor Lipman


Victor Lipman is an author, coach, and speaker with a particular interest in the importance and value of mindfulness in management. His online courses on Udemy are "The Manager's Mindset" and "How to Manage Difficult Employees." He's the author of The Type B Manager: Leading Successfully in a Type A World (Prentice Hall Press). Publishers Weekly called the book "an excellent resource for leaders who don't fit the mold." Victor retired from the corporate world in 2012 after 24 years of Fortune 500 company management, from front-line to executive roles. Long interested in the field of management, both good and bad, effective and ineffective, what works and what doesn't, Victor is the founder and principal of Howling Wolf Management Training. He has a B.A. from Harvard College, where he majored in Psychology (called Social Relations there at the time), and holds an MBA from Western New England University. His work has appeared in Forbes and Harvard Business Review.

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