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Bribing Good Behavior

Is it fair to reward Medicaid patients for doing what they’re supposed to do?

Most conservatives agree that Medicaid costs are too high. Most liberals agree that Medicaid patients should receive necessary medical care for free. And both conservatives and liberals agree that we should embrace ways to encourage Medicaid patients to obtain important preventive care services, in the hopes that such services will lower healthcare costs by promoting public health.

But does anyone agree with the idea of paying Medicaid patients to receive such services?

The state of South Carolina has created an incentive program to encourage Medicaid recipients to receive preventive medical care. Show up for an annual exam, and Medicaid patients not only receive the visits for free, but even get $25 a pop for making it to the appointments. Receive mammograms, and they get another $20 per test. Get a flu shot, and they can say hello to an Alexander Hamilton, whose visage adorns the $10 bill.

Here is a table from Kaiser Health News showing what South Carolina plans to offer Medicaid enrollees, depending on which services they receive. There aren’t any huge rewards here, but when you think about the large number of people who are eligible for Medicaid in South Carolina, the cost of these rewards could be substantial:

Kaiser Health News
Source: Kaiser Health News

When I first learned of this reward program, I was reminded of a conversation I had with my teenage son. He had underperformed in school, obtaining grades incommensurate with his ability. I expressed my disappointment with his lack of effort, but he had a rejoinder: “Dad, you should be rewarding me, for not doing drugs, or drinking and driving like all my friends.”

“Well I’m really glad you don’t do those things, but why should I reward you for not being bad?” (Truth be told, I have told my son dozens of times how proud I am that he has avoided some of the problems his friends have gotten into, but this was supposed to be a conversation about his grades!)

I expect many people have questions about the fairness of rewarding Medicaid patients for doing what they should be doing anyway. It’s like the company that tested a program of paying employees who managed to quit smoking. Non-smokers in the company felt that the reward was unfair, as if the only way they could get a similar reward would be to first get addicted to cigarettes and then try to quit.

But before dismissing South Carolina’s program, let’s think about the alternatives. If Medicaid enrollees in that state forgo preventive services, their health will suffer down the line. Their children will risk developing progressive illnesses that general pediatricians could diagnose and treat; they will miss out on vaccinations that could have prevented serious infections. If they don’t receive this care, Americans will suffer. Because remember, Medicaid enrollees are Americans too.

Without a doubt, everyone ought to take responsibility for their own lives. I’d like to think that Medicaid enrollees would receive all these important services without any kind of nudge. But I also recognize that most people on Medicaid have extremely complicated and stressful lives. Moreover, doctor appointments cost money. Even when the appointment is free, people need to find transportation to the doctor’s office, maybe even get a babysitter to take care of their kids while they get screened for cervical cancer. There’s also lost wages for missing out on what’s undoubtedly a low paying job. If $10 here and $20 there will cancel out some of these losses and improve these people’s health at the same time — I’m all for it.

This article was recently published in Forbes.

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