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Headcase: Livestrong and Prosper

Do hard times make you hardier? Tour de France winner, Lance Armstrong might be living proof.

When his impeccable health was abruptly threatened by cancer, Lance Armstrong saw only one option: Fight like hell and win. And he did. A mere five months after his diagnosis, he was back in training, ready to conquer the Tour de France—which he did. Seven times. This year, Armstrong's looking for number eight.

So is it true that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger? That depends on the person. In one study of a faltering company, while two-thirds of the workers became stressed, depressed, and withdrawn, the rest actually flourished. Their work performances improved, they retained their positive moods, and they showed no adverse health effects, found Salvatore Maddi, a psychologist at the University of California, Irvine. The hardy survivors had superior coping strategies: They viewed adversity as opportunity for growth, became even more committed to their goals, and believed in their own efficacy. Most of them had had a stressful childhood, but a lot of support from parents or teachers; they were encouraged and helped to toughen up, and they retained these lessons.

With his mixture of optimism and determination, Armstrong "is extremely high in hardiness," Maddi says. He's got "the unparalleled ability to embrace adversity and convert it into triumph," says Jeffrey Spencer, Armstrong's former team doctor. Far from bemoaning his illness, he summoned emotional strength he didn't know he had. In his book It's Not About the Bike, Armstrong writes, "Odd as it sounds, I would rather have the title of cancer survivor than winner of the Tour, because of what it has done for me as a human being, a man, a husband, a son, and a father.—Courtney Hutchison

Tour de Lance


Lance Armstrong born in Plano, Texas.


At 22, becomes the youngest road-racing world champion.


Diagnosed with testicular cancer.


Begins training again; creates Lance Armstrong Foundation.


Makes his comeback, winning the Tour de France.


Wins 7th Tour and announces retirement.


Competes for his 8th Tour win.