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Openness to experience, or simply openness, is a basic personality trait denoting receptivity to new ideas and new experiences. It is one of the five core personality dimensions that drive behavior—known as the five-factor model of personality, or the Big 5. People with high levels of openness are more likely to seek out a variety of experiences, be comfortable with the unfamiliar, and pay attention to their inner feelings more than those who are less open to novelty. They tend to exhibit high levels of curiosity and often enjoy being surprised. People with low levels of openness prefer familiar routines, people, and ideas; they can be perceived as closed-minded.

What It Means to Be Open to Experience

Being open to experience is associated with creativity, curiosity, and a hunger for knowledge and learning. People high in this trait are also divergent and abstract thinkers, they are able to come up with multiple novel solutions to a difficult problem.

Is it good to be open to experience?

Openness is correlated with higher measures of well-being, including overall happiness. People high in this trait feel more positive and have warm and loving relationships with the people around them. Research has not found any noteworthy correlation between openness and anxiety or other mood disorders.

What is an example of openness?

People high in openness are willing to try new things, like an exotic dish or travel to a strange land. They are inquisitive and seek out knowledge. People who are more open may be less practical and less analytical; instead, they rely on their inventiveness and are more receptive to change.


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Seeking New Horizons
Justyna Sobesto/Shutterstock

Openness reflects a tendency to pursue and enjoy unfamiliar things. Therefore, it makes sense that this trait is positively correlated with innovative thinking—those who are particularly open to experience have been shown to have more active imaginations and a greater appreciation for aesthetics and beauty.

Is openness correlated with liberalism?

Openness is the only personality trait that consistently predicts political orientation. A study in the journal International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences showed that people high in openness are more likely to endorse liberalism and more likely to express their political beliefs, in general.

Is openness correlated with where you live?

Levels of openness do vary by location. Within the U.S., people on the coasts are typically rated as more open than those in the middle of the country. Likewise, people who live on the coasts are more liberal, and people who live in the midwest are more conservative.

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