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The halo effect is a cognitive bias that occurs when an initial positive judgment about a person unconsciously colors the perception of the individual as a whole.

When forming a first impression, observing an initial attractive feature—perhaps beauty or strength—can make the person appealing, making it difficult to revise that impression based on new or opposing information. For example, an attractive individual may also be perceived as interesting, ambitious, or funny, whether or not that assessment is warranted.

Swayed by the Halo Effect
Roman Samborskyi/Shutterstock

The mind mines the world for information to confirm preexisting beliefs. People strive to avoid the difficulty of reconciling conflicting information and hope to feel confident in their initial judgments. Human beings are complex; the halo effect may be an effective shortcut to understand another person until the relationship progresses.

What is an example of the halo effect?

A manager might appreciate an employee’s enthusiasm so much that they inadvertently write a glowing, yet unmerited, performance review. A consumer’s love for a certain product may prompt them to choose the item with the same brand name when faced with two options. The halo effect can take hold in many domains.

How do you use the halo effect?

Start by being confident, because people notice if you are positive about yourself. Giving an initial good impression through a tidy and organized appearance can help. Of course, show enthusiasm for life in general.

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Counteracting the Halo Effect
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It may be helpful to recognize and counteract the halo effect in potentially problematic situations. One can try to slow his or her reasoning process and focus on the trait in question. Concrete action can also be helpful: Professors can grade papers anonymously, for instance, to prevent prior information from influencing a student’s grades.

Can the halo effect be bad?

This effect distorts the way you may see a person or a product, thinking that the person or item is better and more amazing than reality dictates. We are more inclined to gloss over an attractive person’s negative attributes, such as selfishness, and judge them more positively than merited.

Can the halo effect wear off?

As one might expect, forming long-term relationships diffuses the halo effect. This allows a person new and varied information to create a deeper, nuanced, and more accurate portrait of the person.

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