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New Year, New Directions?

If you can dream it, you can write it.

We're into a New Year. In our house, the kids were up later than the adults. Does this signal a shifting of the generations? Maybe. Over the winter break, my son was completing college apps and I have been left wondering-where does the time go?

It just goes.

This is not going to be a waxing, somber blog about time disappearing. Nor is it going to be a time traveler's blog (I'm listening to The Time Traveler's Wife on tape) in which I lament about wanting to go back and redo things. Yes, there might be things that I would redo-but I can't. And how many other things would I lose in my life if I went back and tried?

No, this blog is going to be a kick-in-the-butt blog to get us all going.

This is despite the fact that I'm sitting in my sunroom, staring out at gray clouds and hearing a cold wind whistle past my windows. This is despite my dog snoring soundly next to me, trying to tempt me to nap. Because if I slip into a torpid coma, then how will that bode for the New Year?

My first month of the New Year is starting with a poetry retreat next weekend. It will end with another writing retreat. The first month of this New Year is filled with the promise of words and friends. So do I want to focus on regrets? On loss? Heck, no!

I want to focus on the promise of experiences yet to come. I want to write and guarantee myself the chance for creativity and self-discovery. How about you? Want to join me on that journey?

  • Then let's start with poetry. Try a haiku-first line 5 syllables, second line 7 syllables, third line 5 syllables again. It must paint a picture in a person's mind. One of my writing friends was certain that she couldn't write poetry, but she has become a master at haiku and had numerous poems published. But whether you publish or not, try new poetry forms to play with words and images around you.

Outside, wind laments.

Wishing to join mom and kids.

Inside, heart beats time.

Is that good poem? It paints an image for me. Isn't that what matters when we play with writing?

Or write a limerick.

There once was a writer on-line.

Who thought writing was really divine.

She said with no hype,

"Just sit down and type."

To discover your life's true design.

  • Start a letter to yourself to remind you what is important for the year.
  • o Dear Me, I want to renew some friendships. I want to cook some new dinners. I want to finish knitting my scarf!
  • Write about your surroundings so that you can reconnect to the world around you.
  • Write about how you are feeling and let your thoughts go-write for 10 minutes, anywhere your mind takes you. You might discover some new connections.
  • Write about what kind of animal you would be and why-
  • Write about what time in history you would like to visit.
  • Where would you like to travel?
  • What one adventure have you always wished for?
  • Use this New Year to start writing and discover new aspects of yourself.

Go, Write On!

Martha Peaslee Levine, MD

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