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Child Development

51 Ways to a Greater Musical You

A new year, a new musical you

We may not be past the major December holidays, yet, but the new year will be here in a flash. And with the new year comes . . . resolutions. Tis (almost) the season for making changes and creating your life how you'd like it to look.

Most resolutions follow a traditional track of losing weight, getting enough sleep, getting in shape, getting out of debt, working less, spending more quality time with those we love, getting organized, etc. But I have a different suggestion in mind. What if your resolution this year involved music?

Why music? Well, in truth as much as I am an advocate of music and its benefits—developmentally, therapeutically, for wellness, and otherwise—this idea is really less about music itself and more about doing something different, something creative. It's about intentionally engaging in a task that, although foreign and perhaps a little outside your comfort zone, may open you up to new experiences. Then who knows? Through these new experiences, you may just understand a part of yourself in a different or deeper way.

With that as the inspiration, here are 51 ways to a greater musical you in 2015:

  1. Listen to a different radio station.
  2. Attend a classical music concert.
  3. Attend a rock concert.
  4. Go to jazz night at the local bar.
  5. Go to a karaoke night.
  6. Sing at karaoke night.
  7. Start singing in the shower.
  8. Sing in your car.
  9. Listen to a new artist on Spotify.
  10. Revisit a favorite artist, genre, or song.
  11. Listen to music of your parent's generation.
  12. Listen to music your kid(s) like.
  13. Search for the lyrics to a favorite song. Read them.
  14. Have your own personal living room dance party.
  15. Dance with your kids.
  16. Attend a community band or choir concert.
  17. Sing your kids a bedtime lullaby.
  18. Attend a touring Broadway musical.
  19. Watch a movie musical.
  20. Watch a musical from your childhood.
  21. Take piano lessons.
  22. Take singing lessons.
  23. Sing in your community choir.
  24. Sing in your church choir.
  25. Go caroling.
  26. Dust off that guitar/flute/trumpet/instrument in your closet. Play a few notes.
  27. Take a cue from the dwarfs and whistle (or hum) while you work.
  28. Turn the music up and dance as you clean.
  29. Listen to music when you work out.
  30. Take a quiet walk in nature. Enjoy the music of nature.
  31. Clap to the beat.
  32. Tap your foot to the beat.
  33. Sing to yourself as you walk down the street.
  34. Clap your hands, pat your belly, slap your legs...create body percussion.
  35. Teach your kids to play kazoo.
  36. Incorporate a sing-a-long into your next party.
  37. Pull out your childhood piano books and play them.
  38. Watch a YouTube video of babies bopping to music.
  39. Watch a YouTube video of kids playing instruments.
  40. Watch a YouTube video of kids dancing.
  41. Surreptitiously dance to the music at the grocery store.
  42. Tap your foot to the elevator music.
  43. Eat at a restaurant when there's live music.
  44. Take dance lessons.
  45. Participate in a local drum circle.
  46. Sing the songs at church.
  47. Stop a listen to the street musician.
  48. Attend a summer concert series performance.
  49. Play music while you eat.
  50. Listen to music with your eyes closed.
  51. Time your breath to the rhythm of a slow song.

Follow me on Twitter @KimberlySMoore for daily updates on the latest research and articles related to music, music therapy, and music and the brain. I invite you also to check out my website,, for additional information, resources, and strategies.

Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at

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