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Memory Tricks: Emotion and Repetition

The best way to remember vocabulary for the SAT

Email exchange with PWNtheSAT while on phone with very nice supervisor of credit report website.

Attempting to get charges reversed:

Me (to PWN): Is this the proper use of specious?

PWNtheSAT: I wouldn't say specious for that...specious is really more about arguments.

Uh Oh. Whoops. Hopefully she didn't notice.

Me: What about spurious?

PWNtheSAT: :) yeah that works

Spurious charges now reversed, I can return to the reason for this blog post:

What's the Best Way to Learn Vocabulary for the SAT?

In a line: Make abundant use of the words in your everyday life.

And if your brain refuses to remember a word? Ask the smartest person you know to use this word in a personalized sentence for you, with real life context. Then free associate.

Below are a few of my free association words that I couldn't remember for the life of me, until I employed this "Smart Friend Real Life Context" strategy:

Now? Seared, forever. <3

Illustrations by Jennifer Orkin Lewis

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