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3 Ways to Get Unfriended on Facebook

People get unfriended online for things they say or do offline

In what claims to be the first study of its kind, Christopher Sibona, a doctoral student in the Computer Science and Information Systems program at the University of Denver looked at the reasons why people get unfriended on Facebook.

His survey (conducted on Twitter) of more than 1500 Facebook users found that the top three reasons for unfriending were:

1) frequent unimportant posts,
2) polarizing posts (e.g. bringing up religion or politics)
3) inappropriate posts (e.g crude or racial comments).

Sibona's study suggests too, that people get unfriended online for things they say or do offline. While 57 percent of those surveyed unfriend for online reasons, another 26.9 percent unfriend for offline behavior.

Sibona also asked about the impact on the Facebook friend who is unfriended. While some people just laugh it off, others are traumatized. There are a wide variety of reactions depending on who did the unfriending and why," says Sibona.

Have you been unfriended? What are the reasons why you might unfriend someone else on Facebook?

Related posts on on The Friendship Blog:

Unfriend: Not a simple verb by any means

How to handle a Facebook frenemy

Thoughts on being defriended

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