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Will Healthcare in This Country Ever Truly Be Reformed?

Why fixing the healthcare system is so difficult.

From a review of "Remedy and Reaction" by Paul Starr, published in today's Boston Globe:

The signing into law of the Affordable Care Act by President Obama in March 2010 was a signal achievement, one of only a few successful attempts made over the past century to reform the American health care system.

Paul Starr, professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton and one of President Clinton's senior health policy advisers during his ill-fated attempt to reconstruct our health system, has written a surprisingly interesting and engaging account of the many attempts made over the past century to reform care in this country. As daunting, even wonkish, as this may sound, Starr does an excellent job of explaining the different proposals and identifying the reasons why some succeeded where others failed so spectacularly.…


Dennis Rosen, M.D.

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