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Recession-Proof Your Mind

Recession-Proof Your Mind.

When you hear the word "economy," your initial thoughts are probably not overwhelmingly positive. Certainly, the current economic situation is neither ideal nor trivial. Yet when faced with grim circumstances or an unexpected detour, we are given an incredibly rare opportunity to view our lives from a unique perspective. This perspective filters the extraneous components that can often cloud our vision. From there, we can obtain greater clarity about our authentic selves and what we truly value.

With less to hold on to, we can embrace these values and let them steer us in new directions. Additionally, with less to lose, we are more likely to diverge from status quo—the risks are far fewer.

By simply accepting some of life's bumps, we can achieve feelings of empowerment. You indeed have the power to shift your attention from what could have been to what might be.

-> Empower Yourself. Be Your Own Leader.

The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.

- John Maxwell

You have the ability to weather life’s storms even while you continue on the path of your own choosing.

Being the leader of your life means that you can adjust your attitude, behavior, and perspective to whatever new realities you’ll face. It’s okay to mourn defeats and have hope for the future; but ultimately, you must lead yourself forward. Remember, if you are not the leader in your life, then you are allowing events to lead you to a destination that you haven’t chosen. Above all, you should always be the one responsible for charting your course.

Take stock of your new reality and lead yourself onward!

Take Action:
Be the Leader in Your Life

-> Redefine the Possibilities. Create Unconventional Success.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

-Herman Cain

Redefine what you consider possible. Create unconventional success by paving a way through uncharted territory.

The first step in achieving anything is defining your vision. As a start, begin with this powerful question: “What do I want?” Right now, the “how” doesn’t matter since worrying about it only weakens your resolve. Sometimes, the question of “what” is easy to answer, while at other times doing so seems downright impossible. After all, the answer can be hidden in guilt and other rationalizations that center on what you think you should be doing. Therefore, it’s critical to focus on your inner knowledge and filter through the extrinsic variety.

Take Action:
3 Essential Ingredients for Creating Unconventional Success

-> Know What You Want. Own Your Dreams.

No person has the right to rain on your dreams.

- Marian Wright Edelman

You're the leader in your life, and you are certainly on your way to creating unconventional success. But in order to remain on this path, you must maintain ownership of your dreams!

Honor your dreams by realizing that you deserve them. You deserve happiness. Protect that knowledge within your heart. You are that important.

Take Action:
Own Your Dreams

* Decide who chooses your life’s direction. Is it you or the economy?


Read much more about resilience and how to turn fear into hope in my book, Perseverance.

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