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Dr. Shoshana Bennett
Shoshana Bennett Ph.D.

To Each Her Own

...she is bombarded with people telling her to choose this way or that...

When a new mom fully understands there's no one "right" way to raise a child, it's quite empowering. From the numerous ways of becoming a mother - whether she births the baby herself (and how she becomes pregnant), uses a surrogate or adopts, she is faced with strong opinions. From the beginning she is bombarded with people telling her to choose this way or that - how to feed the baby, hold him, help him sleep, dress him, discipline him and socialize him. Others will try to convince her to stay home, work part-time, work full-time or work from home.

It's important to remember there are many variations that are all "right." Each family might need a slightly different combination to work smoothly and lovingly. As mothers are increasingly supporting each other in their individual choices, we have happier, healthier families.

Dr. Shosh

About the Author
Dr. Shoshana Bennett

Shoshana Bennett, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist focusing on moods, pregnancy, and postpartum depression.

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