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Who Is Louder in Bed?

When you hear the neighbors going at it, whose voice is louder?

Quick question for readers: When you hear the neighbors going at it, whose voice is louder?

We're looking for as many responses as possible to this question, so please take a moment to comment below, if you can (and if you click on the "share/email" button and Digg us, that would be great, too!).

To avoid contaminating the response, we'll say as little as possible in this post. One of the chapters in our up-coming book includes a discussion of what researchers call "copulatory vocalization" -- believe it or not. So help us out here. Just think of the times you've heard a heterosexual couple having sex and tell us who was louder. If you happen to have spent a lot of time in cheap motels and have a wealth of information, please share it. And if you've got any friends who might want to add their $0.02, please send them the link.

In your response, please include your sex and age. If we get enough responses, we'll mention ya'll in our book. Many thanks.

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