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Making Friends is Easier Than You Think

The Golden Rule of Friendship

Making Friends is Easier Than You Think

Making friends for a moment or for a lifetime can be difficult, especially in a technology savvy world. One technique to make friends is easy and works 100 percent of the time - without fail. The technique is called The Golden Rule of Friendship: If you want people to like you, make them feel good about themselves. If you make others feel good about themselves, they will credit you with helping them attain that good feeling. People gravitate toward individuals who make them happy and tend to avoid people who bring them pain or discomfort. If every time you meet a person you make them feel good about themselves, he or she will seek out every opportunity to see you again to experience those same good feelings.

Applying The Golden Rule of Friendship is quick, easy, and it works, but unfortunately people seldom use this powerful technique to make new friends or to enhance the intensity of existing relationships because of their egos. Most people are too busy focusing on themselves and not the people they want to meet or develop meaningful relationships with. People put their wants and needs before the wants and needs of others. If you want to appear friendly and attractive to others, you must override your ego and pay attention to the people you are talking to. Other people will like you when you make them - not you - the focus of attention. The irony is that other people will be eager to fulfill your wants and needs if they like you.

For more techniques to influence, attract, and win people over refer to The Like Switch, a newly released book by Jack Schafer with Marvin Karlins.

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