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Find Your Holiday Brave

Shopping. Eating. Rushing. Family. Friends. Too much? Not enough?

The Postpartum Stress Center
Source: The Postpartum Stress Center

The Holiday crunch is looming. Shopping. Eating. Rushing. Family. Friends. Too much? Not enough?

Excited about it?

Anxious about it?

Dreading it?

Overwhelmed by it?

Ambivalent about it?

If you have a history of depression or are currently depressed, the weeks and days before and during the holidays can descend with crushing anxiety.

It is easy to feel out of control when there are so many events and obligations tugging at you at once. NOW is the time to plan for it. With a little preparation and armed with a script to rely on, you can reduce your anxiety and feel better about experiencing the weeks ahead.

These reminders will help you manage the overwhelm and navigate the days and weeks ahead.

Do NOT forget to:

  • Wear your MAGIC bracelet*. (huh? Yeah, you know who you are.) Re-empower it by repeating exactly how it can help you. You know the drill.
  • Remind yourself you are doing the best you can. (And that’s way good enough right now)
  • Do NOT drink too much. (Limit alcohol & caffeine)
  • Modify your expectations. (Keep things simple)
  • Try to stay in the present moment. (worry = future, ruminating = past)
  • Incorporate one ME moment each day to replenish your spirit. (Really do this)
  • Avoid conflict. (Or postpone. This is not the time)
  • Allow grief or loss to find a soft place to rest. (It’s okay to be sad)
  • Accept imperfection. (Yours, others)
  • Ride the waves. (Up & down & up again; keep going)
  • Sleep more. (Every chance you get)
  • Say THANK YOU. Say I LOVE YOU. Say I’M SORRY. (With a full heart)
  • Connect with your partner (Touch, smile, eye contact)​
  • Be grateful for the things we all tend to take for granted…

*Magic bracelet from Therapy and the Postpartum Woman (Kleiman, 2009)

Copyright 2014 Karen Kleiman, MSW

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